iPad 2.0: What's next for the Apple tablet?

Posted by SAURABH On 6:36 AM
What will the iPad successor bring to the table?

As the the first scramble for Apple iPad pre-orders begins, we of course still have a bit of a waiting to do before we get our hands on the 'revolutionary' device. In a bid to fill the iPad-shaped void in our lives, we've stared into the future to see what the next instalment of the iPad could have in store for us.

As we anticipate more outings of the iPad as we now expect from the iPhone, here's is our thoughts on what the follow up to the iPad could be packing.

Read below for iPad 2.0: What's next for the Apple iPad?

Smart bezels

Apple filed a patent to extend the touch panel beyond the screen, allowing you to control iTunes without losing fullscreen cover art for video.

How likely? 6/10

Dual connectors

Why not be able to dock it sideways for watching videos? It'd also be more useful for typing for most people. Flies in the face of Apple's aesthetic, though.

How likely? 4/10

3D screen

Apple has patented a 3D interface but it seems overly complex for the iPad. Given zero Blu-ray support we can't see Apple going for 3D video either...

How likely? 1/10

Flash support

Most online video uses Flash, so alot of content isn't available on the Flash-free iPad. Apple seems to have it in for the manufacturer Adobe.

How likely? 4/10


Everyone wants to surf the web and exchange instnat messages while listening to Spotify. Apple has to listen to public opinion on this one...doesn't it?

How likely? 7/10


With augmented reality set for lift-off and IM video chat becoming ever more popular, a mobile device without a camera now feels like a car without wheels.

How likely? 8/10

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